The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his ____________ to any creatures that cannot. ① mental weakness ② moral inferiority ③ greater disadvantages
11. Boredom will eat away at your persistence and resolve. No one can do the same job, requiring the same tasks, with perpetual interest and enthusiasm. When evaluating a job opportunity, don’t just worry about the salary and workload; look into how much ________ there is in the tasks you’ll perform. ① difficulty ② confidence ③ variety
정답 및 해설
10. 정답② [해설] 역접을의미하는등위접속사 but과똑같은동격 that절을이용해서풀이해보자. 빈칸에들어갈말은 but 앞의 his intellectual superiority의반의어가되어야하므로②번이맞다.
11. 정답③ [해설] 빈칸에들어갈말은지루하고단조로운일의반대라는것을알수있다. 빈칸뒤의there is in the tasks you’ll perform 에서일을행하다(perform)를짐작해서 ‘일이어렵다던가(difficulty), 자신감(confidence)을갖고일을하다’ 라고생각하면오답의함정에빠진다.
[구문] ■Boredom will eat away at your persistence and resolve. 무생물주어는부사적해석을한다. 동사부분에조동사가있는경우‘조건’으로해석한다. Boredom(지루하면), 밑줄친전치사의목적어는주어처럼‘~이/가’로해석한다.
■When evaluating a job opportunity, don’t just worry about the salary and workload; = When you evaluate a job opportunity, 밑줄친부분은부사절을축약한분사구문이다. 명확한해석을위해접속사를그대로두었다.
■; look into how muchvariety there is in the tasks [(that) you’ll perform]. [ ]는선행사 the tasks를수식하는형용사절(=관계사절)이다. 의문사 how가‘얼마나’의뜻으로명사절을이끌때어순은 how+형용사/부사+S+V이다. there be 구문이주어자리에나옴에따라글의어순은 there V+S 가된다. 의문사뒤에위치할형용사 much가주어 variety를수식하고있으므로피수식어까지포함한 much variety가 how 뒤로이동했다.
The tragic death of Abraham Lincoln is hardly a mystery. What isn’t clear, _________, is the state of the President’s health at the time of his assassination. His gaunt frame and prematurely aged looks have led to speculation that he was gravely ill and possibly dying of cancer. ① for example ② however ③ moreover
[해설] What isn’t clear는바로앞의hardly a mystery 와대조적인데다부정어와짝꿍을이루는연결어는 however이다. [해석]아브라함링컨의비극적죽음은거의수수께끼가아니다. 하지만, 분명하지않는점은그가암살될당시건강상태가의문이다. 그의수척한골격과보통의사람보다더나이든외모때문에병세가위중하고아마도암으로죽어간다는추측을낳았다.
[구문] ■His gaunt frame and prematurely aged looks have led to speculation {that he was gravely ill and possibly dying of cancer}. { }는 speculation을보충설명하는동격that절이다. 동격 that절은동격어(구)를보충하는역할이므로구조적으로는명사절이나해석을할경우명사를꾸며주는관계사절처럼의미적으로는형용사절에가깝다. 인과관계동사(lead to)는“주어때문에 ~ (결과)가일어나다”로해석을한다. 주어(His
gaunt …. looks)가원인이고, 목적어( speculation)가결과이다.
[어휘] gaunt 수척한, 아주야윈frame (주로단수로사람의) 골격 prematurely 보통의사람보다이르게gravely 심각하게