1.Since chemicals may be harmful to people and the environment, so farmers must use care in applying them.
2.In 1969, the Department of Defense designed communication system with numerous paths to the same source to prevent communication blackout in case nuclear attack.
3.Provide he listens to criticism, there’ll be no danger of corruption or the temptation to wield unrestricted power.
4.A lunar eclipse occurs that the Moon passes through the Earth’ shadow.
2. [해설] in case (that)는‘사전예방’의뜻의종속접속사다. in case (that) 뒤에절이따라야하는데명사가따르므로사전예방의의미를뜻하는전치사 in case of로고쳐야한다. [해석] 1969년미국방부는핵공격이일어났을경우통신두절을예방하기위해종점으로이르는데이터의연결통로를다양하게갖춘통신시스템을설계했다. [어휘] the Department of Defense 국방부(the Defense Department) / blackout 정전, communication blackout 통신두절 / in case of 만일 ~한다면
1.Iran vowed the U.S. will pay a price if it will continue to pressure Iran about its nuclear program.
2.Please remind me of it again tomorrow if I forget.
정답 및 해설
1. [해설] if it will continue to pressure …. if절이동사의목적어인명사절이라면미래시제를그대로사용할수있으나조건을나타내는부사절이므로 will continue를continues로고쳐야한다. [해석] 이란은미국이자국의핵프로그램에대해계속해서압박을한다면(미국은) 대가를치르게될거라고맹세했다. [어휘] vow 맹세하다 / pay a price 대가를치르다
2. [해설] ‘사전예방’의뜻으로는 if가아니라 in case (that)을써야한다. [해석] 내가잊어버리는경우에대비해내일다시나에게그것을일깨워주세요. [어휘] saturated fat 포화지방