4. The global companies have become more profitable than ever ______ unemployment has grown in their own territories. That’s because they’ve been able to take advantage of the growing middle class in emerging countries such as China, Brazil and India.
(A)even if (B) even as (C) unless (D) after
5. Recent surveys have shown that as many as 50 percent of patients do not take drugs _____ directed.
like (B) so (C) which (D) as
6. China may save the world’s luxury goods industry, ________ it has rescued producers of soybeans and iron ore.
(A) just as (B) so (C) while (D) similarly
정답 및 해설
4. 정답(B) 부사 even과조합되는접속사로 even if/though, even as 등이있다. 전후문맥상‘~하는바로그순간’을뜻하므로동시성을강조하는even as가양보를의미하는 even if보다더적합하다. 토익문제의답은 correct answer 라기보다는 best answer 라는점이다.
[해석]세계적기업들은자국에서실업이늘어나는바로그순간에도여느때보다도더많은수익을내고있다. 그이유는그들이중국, 브라질, 인도와같은신흥국가에서점점증가하는중산층으로부터이익을거둘수있기때문이다.
[구문] That’s because they’ve been able to take advantage of the growing middle class in emerging countries such as China, Brazil and India. ⇒that’sbecause 다음에는앞내용의원인에대한내용이오고that’s why 다음에는앞내용에대한결과가따른다.
I am wet. That is becauseit is raining. (나는젖었어. 그원인은비가내리기때문이지.) It is raining. That is whyI am wet. (비가오고있어. 그래서내가비에젖은이유야.)
5. 정답(D) 부사절축약: take drugs as directed = take drugs as (they are) directed [해석]최근의조사에서보여주듯무려 50퍼센트의환자들이지시받은대로약을복용하지않고있다. [어휘] as directed 지시받은대로, 처방대로
6. 정답(A) 두절을연결하는접속사자리이므로 (D)는탈락. 빈칸앞의may save와빈칸뒤의has rescued는비슷한의미를뜻하므로‘마치 ~처럼’ 뜻의 just as가적절하다. [해석]대두와철광석생산회사를구제한것처럼중국은세계명품산업을구원할지도모른다. [어휘]luxury goods 사치품, 명품 / iron ore 철광석