I am happy that she accepted my proposal. [형용사뒤보어] I’m sure that she will accept my proposal. [형용사뒤보어]
Jane is such a pretty woman that everyone loves her. [such~that 결과구문] He studied so hard that he passed the exam. [so~that 결과구문]
Squirrels hoard their nuts and berries so that they can get through the winter.
(다람쥐들은겨울을나기위해견과류와나무열매를저장한다.) [목적]
(다람쥐들은견과류와나무열매를저장한다. 그래서겨울을날수있다.) [결과]
He studied hard, so that he passed the exam. [so that 결과]
(그는열심히공부했다. 그래서그는시험에합격했다.) →so that 구문은목적, 결과두가지의뜻을가질수있으므로결과의의미로명확히하기위해서는 so that 앞에콤마를둔다.
The reason that Americans can afford such large debts is that interest rates are so low. [관계부사 why 대용]
(미국인들이거대한빚을수용할형편이되는이유는 (자국에서) 이자율이매우낮기때문이다.)
He made it quite clear that he preferred to live here. [진목적어] (그는자신이여기서사는것을더좋아한다고확실히말했다.)
2. that을 생략할 수 없는 경우
He will succeed is certain. (x) That he will succeed is certain. (o) →명사절이주어일때
The news he won surprised us all. (x)
The news that he won surprised us all. (o) → that절이동격어구와동격일때
We are informed the midterm exam has been postponed. (x)
We are informed that the midterm exam has been postponed. (o) →수동태뒤종속절이따를때
We knew √ she was innocent but she pretended to be guilty. (x)
We knew √ she was innocent but that she pretended to be guilty. (o) →두개의종속절이본동사의목적어로병렬구조를이룰때, 앞의 that은생략(√)할수있지만뒤의 that은생략할수없다.
Of course we knew √ she was innocent, but √ there was no evidence. →등위접속사 but은독립된절과절을병렬구조로연결한다. but 앞뒤에명사절을이끄는 that이각각생략(√)되었으며앞의절의주어(we)와뒤의절의주어(evidence)가다르므로등위접속사앞에콤마가필요하다.
Formal: We notice that he was fairly accurate with his view on world events. Informal: We notice √ he was fairly accurate with his view on world events. →notice의목적어는 him은될수있어도 he는될수없다. 따라서목적어는절이목적어인명사절임을알수있기때문에접속사 that을생략(√)해도된다.
Confusing: We noticed √ many buildings were under construction. →동사(noticed)의목적어가 many buildings로착각할수있다. 동사의목적어는 that절인명사절이다. 문법적으로는틀린표현은아니지만이처럼접속사that을생략했을때혼동을주는경우라면 that을생략해서는안된다.
3. that을 생략할 수 있는 경우
일상에서자주쓰는구어체표현이나 informal English의경우 that은종종생략된다.
It is certain √ he will succeed. → it is … that 구문에서종종 that을생략한다.
I think √ you are my best friend. → that절이 know, think, believe, tell, wish 등구어체에가까운동사의목적어로쓰일때종종 that을생략한다.
Informal: He informed us √patience is best for the patient.
Formal: He informed us that patience is best for the patient. → that을생략할경우 patience가동사 informed의직접목적어로착각할수있다. that절이 inform, confirm, recognize, announce 등 formal에가까운동사의목적어로쓰일때는 that의생략을피한다.
I don’t think √there’ll be any problem with the psychology of our team now. →종속절이 there로시작되는구문일경우, that을생략하는경우가일반적이다.
It seems √he is angry.
The truth is √she didn’t know it. →구어체에서that절이주절(it seems / the truth is)의보어일경우종종 that을생략한다.
She resembles her mother in that she is fond of music.
She forgot everything except √she had to go back.
→that이전치사 in의목적어일때는생략할수없으나 except 뒤에서는생략할수있다.
※전치사 in과 except등일부를제외하곤that은전치사의목적어로쓰이지는않는다. in that은 ~이므로 (because)의뜻을가진다.