Do you know? + Where does she live? →Do you know where she lives?
의문문(where does she live)이의문문(Do you know)을통해전달되는의문문. where이하가동사 know의목적어로주절의일부가된다. 의문사(where)가접속사역할을하므로접속사는불필요하다.
주의! 간접의문문은평서문과어순이같으므로 S+V 순으로써야한다.
Tell me. + What do you want? → Tell me what you want.
의문문(what do you want)이명령문(tell me)을통해전달되는의문문. what이하가동사 tell의직접목적어로주절의일부가된다.
Do you think? + What does he want?
Do you think what he wants? (x) What do you think he wants? (o) think, believe, imagine, guess 등과같은동사의목적어자리에간접의문문이위치할경우의문사는맨앞문두에위치해야한다.
2. 의문사가 없는 간접의문문
의문사가없는의문문은의문사자리에 whether 또는 if를사용한다. Do you know? + Will he go to Seoul?
→ Do you know whether/if he will go to Seoul?
I wonder. + Will he come or not?
→ I wonder whether he will come or not. → I wonder whether or not he will come.
I wonder if he will come or not. (구어체에서사용, 문법적으로는틀린표현으로간주함)
Review Test
1. We don’t know. + How can we solve the problem?
2. What did he say to offend you? + Can you tell me. →
3. 빈칸에들어갈가장적절한것을고르시오.
Do you think ______________ much to be done?
(A) it still remaining (B) that still remains (C) it still remains (D) there still remains
정답 및 해설
1. We don’t know. + How can we solve the problem? → We don’t know how we can solve the problem. [해석] 우리는그문제를어떻게해결해야하는지모른다.
2. What did he say to offend you? + Can you tell me. → Can you tell me what he said to offend you? [해석] 당신을화나게하기위해그가무슨말을했는지말해줄래요?
3. 정답 (D) think의목적어와글의어순을묻는문제이다. (A)는비문이므로탈락. (B)는목적어자리에명사절인that절이므로주어+동사의어순인 much still remains to be done이되어야한다. (C) 자동사(remains)는목적어(much)를취할수없다. (D) ‘~가있다’는 there+V+S 형식이라서명사절의어순이도치되었다. [해석] 해야할일이아직많이남아있다고생각하십니까?