= I don’t know how to solve this problem. (어떻게이문제를해결할수있을지모르겠다.)
She can’t decide whether she should go or stay home. = She can’t decide whether to go or (to) stay home. (그녀는가야하는지집에있어야하는지결정할수가없다.)
2. that절을 to부정사구로 전환
She is happy that she is healthy again.
= She is happy to be healthy again.
He is glad that he can help others. = He is glad to help others.
He is happy that he finished the project.
= He is happy to have finished the project. (그는프로젝트를끝내서기쁘다.) →that절의시제(finished)가주절의시제(is)보다앞서므로완료부정사(to have p.p.)로전환.
He claims that he is a genius. = He claims to be a genius.
She asks that I (should) go
= She asks me to go first.
→5형식(V+O+toV)의경우목적어는 to부정사의의미상주어.
3. that절을 동명사구로 전환
He acknowledged that he had been wrong.
= He acknowledged having been wrong. (그는자신이잘못했다는것을인정했다.) →that절의시제(had been)가주절의시제(acknowledged)보다앞서므로완료동명사(having been)로전환.
She admitted that she had made a mistake. =
She admitted having made a mistake. (그녀는자신이실수를했다는것을인정했다.)
They recommend that John (should) buy a less expensive car.
= They recommend John’s buying a less expensive car.
(그들은존이가격이보다저렴한차를사야한다고권한다.) →동명사의의미상주어는소유격을사용한다.
Review Test
1. They didn’t know who _______ for the accident. (A) would blame (B) blamed (C) be blamed (D) to blame
2. It did not solve the problem of _______ to select as their preferred candidate. (A) what (B) which (C) whom (D) how
정답 및 해설
1. 정답 (D) 해설: who will be blamed for the accident를의문사+to부정사로축약한 (D)가맞다. (C)의경우, 조동사를넣어수동태인 will be blamed 혹은 should be blamed로고쳐써야한다. (D)의 who to blame의경우, 부정사의수식을받는의문사가 to blame의목적어이므로주격 who 대신목적격인 whom이맞지만구어체에서는 whom보다 who를보편적으로사용한다. [해석] 우리는누가사고의책임을져야하는지모른다.
[어휘] be to blame for something