명사(선행사)를 수식하는 형용사절은 관계대명사와 관계부사가 있다. 관계대명사는 두 개의 문장을 연결하는 접속사의 역할과 선행사를 지칭하는 대명사로서 주어나 목적어 자리에 쓰인다. 관계대명사와 관계부사의 차이점은 문장이 완전한 지 여부에 따른다.
1. 관계대명사 종류와 격에 따른 분류
관계대명사 종류
whose/of which
사람 & 사물
참고!선행사를 포함한 관계대명사 what은 명사절이므로 형용사절에서는 제외했다.
(1)주격관계대명사 Patterns: n+who/that/which+V
He helped the old woman. + She was carrying heavy luggage. (old woman = She) →He helped the old woman who/that was carrying heavy luggage. 주격관계대명사가주어를대신하고있어주어가없는불완전구조이다. (해석: 그는무거운짐을들고있는그노파를도왔다.)
The book is mine. + It is on the table. (The book = It) → The book which/that is on the table is mine. (탁자위에있는그책은내것이다.)
I know the candidate whom was elected. (x) I know the candidate whowas elected. (o) 관계대명사주격뒤에는동사가따른다. 주어가없는불완전구조이다.
(2) 소유격관계대명사 Patterns: ①n+whose+n+V
He has the original book.
+ The cover of the book is brown. → He has the original book whose the cover is brown. (whose = and its) → He has the original book, the cover of which is brown. 관계사절내에명사 cover가누구의것인지소유를나타내므로 whose를사용.
(해석: 그는표지가갈색인원본을가지고있다.)
The house which windows are broken is unoccupied. (x) The house whosewindows are broken is unoccupied. (o) (창문이부서진그집은비어있다.) 관계대명사목적격(which) 뒤에는주어+동사가오며동사의목적어가없는(Ø) 불완전구조이다. which 이하의동사(is unoccupied)가수동태이므로목적어를취할수없고완전한구조를취하고있어틀렸다. 관계대명사소유격또한목적격과마찬가지로주어+동사의어순이지만소유격뒤에주어는반드시명사이며 whose 이하가완전한구조라는점에서목적격과차이가있다.
n+whose+n+V → n+of which / whom+the+n+V I bought a book whose author is a farmer. (내가구매한책의저자는농부이다.) →I bought a book of which the author is a farmer. The old couple adopted a boy whose parents died in an accident. →The old couple adopted a boy of whom the parents died in an accident. (노부부는사고로부모를잃은한소년을입양했다.)
Patterns: ②n+whose+n+S+V
The woman whose window my boy broke came to my house and asked me to pay for the damage. (우리애가깨뜨린창문의소유주인여성이찾아와서손해에대해배상해줄것을요청했다.)
((3) 목적격관계대명사
Patterns: n+[whom(who)/that/which]+S+V He is the man. + I saw him yesterday. (the man = him)
→He is the man whom/that I saw Ø yesterday. 목적격관계대명사가목적어를대신하고있어서목적어가없는(Ø) 불완전구조이다. →He is the man (whom/that) I saw Ø
yesterday. (목적격관계대명사는생략가능)
I asked him who he was calling. (x) I asked him whomhe was calling. (o)
The people are pleasant. + I live with them. (The people = them) →The people whom/that I live with Ø are pleasant.
→The people (whom/that) I live with Ø are pleasant. →The people with whom I live are pleasant. 전치사가관계대명사앞에위치한경우 that을쓸수없으며관계대명사는생략할수없다. 이경우, 관계대명사뒤는완전한구조가따른다.
who/which 대신해서 that을 써야 하는 경우
선행사에최상급, 서수, all, any, no, little, the only, the very, the same, everything과같은 -thing으로끝나는말이있을때또는선행사가사람과동물(사물)일때 that을사용한다.
They are talking about the people and countriesthat they had visited. (그들은자신들이방문했던사람들과국가들에대해얘기했다.)
This is the worst film that I have ever seen. (이것은내가지금까지본것중에서가장최악의영화이다.)
From the moral point of view, Tom is the only candidate that represents my values. (도의적인면에서보면, 나의가치관을대변하는유일한후보이다.)
There has been nothingthat changed in the room. (방에서바뀐것은아무것도없었다.)