→that의선행사는space and science가아니다. 병렬구조로연결된전치사구(on Apollo 15 or in this age of space and science)를제거하고문장을보면선행사는 nothing이라는점을알수있다. 특히선행사가 -thing으로끝나는대명사일경우 that을사용한다. 수식부를후치한경우이다.
But Mathilde, my dear friend, that wasn’t a real diamond necklace you borrowed from me. –Guy de Maupassant’s The Lost Necklace (하지만마틸데, 나의소중한친구여, 네가나한테서빌려간저것은진짜다이아몬드목걸이가아니야.) →명사 necklace와대명사 you 사이에목적격관계대명사 that이생략되었다. (that) you borrowed from me는앞의 diamond necklace를수식하는것이아니라선행사인대명사 that을수식하는형용사절이다.
The Necklace by Guy De Maupassant /
Photo Courtesy: Fictionistic
The time will come when you will need my help.
(네가나의도움을필요로할때가올것이다.) →관계부사 when이이끄는형용사절을후치했다.
The possibility never occurred to me that you would decline my invitation.
→동격 that절을후치했다.
Review Test
1.Every year, new roller coasters are built [what / that] are bigger, faster, and wilder than ever.
2.Researchers have established that when people are mentally engaged, biochemical changes occur in the brain that [allows / allow] it to act more effectively in cognitive areas such as attention and memory.
정답 및 해설
1.정답 that [해석] 매년그어느것보다도더크고, 더빠르고, 더거친새로운롤러코스터가만들어진다.
[구문] ■ Every year, new roller coasters [that are bigger, faster, and wilder than ever] are built. – [ ]는new roller coasters를수식하는제한형용사절이다. (수식부후치한경우) ■ Every year, new roller coasters are built [that are bigger, faster, and wilder than ever]. –긴주어(수식부를포함한주어를지칭)는글의안정감을위해후치하는경우가일반적이나문제처럼수식부(=제한형용사절)만따로떼어후치하는경우도있다.